My Day, 23/06/11

23 Jun

Today hasn’t been one of my better days. Have managed to stay up pretty much apart from going up to bed for an hour before tea to rest because of the pain. Really could have gone to sleep though.  The sharp pains in my legs are still there, especially the right leg.  This is on top of what I think of as my ‘norm’. I’ve got a really sharp pain in the top of my thigh, just under my hip and going down my leg (on the outside). Then there’s another one on the inside of my thigh, exactly the same. My calf is pretty much totally covered with sharp pains. The left leg is similar but not so severe  and then both knees are painful. When I touch my legs, just running my fingers down them is really painful. It’s hard to describe, but the best comparison I can think of is it feels bruised, like a bruise would feel if you touch it except more so.

Then my lower back is aching aswell as my neck and shoulders. My neck feels stiff as do my shoulders. My arms ache but feel heavy when I lift them. My hands just hurt and feel stiff. The pain gets worse as I open my hands and it feels like I’m forcing my fingers to straighten further than they’re meant to

Every single part of me hurts to touch and leaves a lasting ache and soreness for several minutes afterwards. I’m not pressing my skin, just gently touching it. Sitting here now I feel like someones stabbing me in all different places. I’ve got constant sharp stabbing pain all over, it just keeps moving round to all different places. It’s totally random!

I feel like I have the flu but without the cold and high temperature. The sweats have been a nightmare today too. When I got home from dropping Lil man at school and by the time I’d gone upstairs I was dripping, it was literally pouring off me. I was lying on the bed, trying to make it stop. When it eventually did I had to dry my hair with my hairdryer it was that wet, and it was tied back aswell in an effort to prevent it, guess that didn’t work! LOL

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